In Chapter 7 most of the work in your bankruptcy is done prepetition and the first month of the 4 months you’re in bankruptcy. Now you don’t have to pay your creditors anymore and even your attorney is paid off. You’re free to use your money with broader latitude than you’ve had in years. Now what?
If you’re like most people that work with most bankruptcy firms you’ll make no plans and just let your lifestyle catch up to your income and not make any essential changes that will build the financial stability you need. Don’t be like that.
If you’ve worked with us we’ve created a financial plan with you. We’ve given you financial advice. Now you need to decide, even while the bankruptcy is pending and you’re waiting for your discharge, how you’re going to act. If you don’t do it during the 3 months you have almost nothing to do, and while you have bankruptcy court protection, you may never do it. That’s why it’s so important to act after the crisis has passed.
LeverLaw and its certified personal financial planner is a resource for that. Steve Lever is always willing, at no extra charge, to help you plan how to take advantage of your fresh start. This is unique in the bankruptcy law community. Whatever your goals for savings, better earnings or decreased expenses you will get valuable insight and advice, just for asking for it.