Choosing an attorney to represent you in a time of financial distress can be a daunting task. You know you don’t want to “go it alone” into a process of which you know little or nothing, yet you don’t know who to trust. You want someone knowledgeable, who cares about you as a person, and who competent in every respect to plan and execute your case.
Unless you happen to know a bankruptcy attorney, or someone has given you a personal referral to one, it is difficult to know where to start. It is difficult to assess the skills and competence of an attorney in advance. You have to trust someone else who has used them or if that is not possible, you need to kick the tires extensively. It wouldn't hurt to go to two or three consultations with different attorneys to see which one seems to work well with you and can live up to your expectations. Also, these days you can get other clients assessment from Yelp, Google Reviews or Avvo.
Most of my clients are word of mouth referrals from professionals and former clients. This website is a concerted effort to extend that kind of referral, and the confidence it gives you in a virtual format. I am attempting to give you a taste for what I am about and LeverLaw is dedicated to accomplishing through writing, videos and graphics.
I urge you to spend time on this site, and my blog, and naturally to meet me in person to really figure out if you want to partner with our firm.
Every one of my clients are backed into a corner or they would be paying their debts. When you come into my office I look at your financial circumstances to solve your problem, but what I’m seeing is not just a problem, but a valuable human being. My job is not just to solve the financial problem. It is to help you identify and realize the potential of your value through good financial and legal advice.
While all my clients have financial problems, I find and focus on their value, and keep that the focus of the attorney-planner/client relationship as we work through the financial problems. That is not just being “positive.” It is essential to taking advantage of your “fresh start” to realize and take advantage of your strengths as much as it is to shore up your weaknesses.
I expect excellence of myself, my staff and my clients once they sign on with us. I do not believe bankruptcy is a rote exercise. It is meant to be transformational. It is a complex undertaking that requires the full involvement of the client and attorney. There are ways to maximize your fresh start as has been proven in many hundreds of cases we’ve handled. What a discharge order will mean to you has a lot to do with what decisions you make and the quality of your planning before bankruptcy, the execution of the bankruptcy while it is pending, and what you do after bankruptcy.
LeverLaw is constantly honing its skills and processes. We not only attend seminars regularly but learning is something we do in various ways every day, through list serve participation with colleagues and whenever the opportunity arises. I belong to and actively participate in NACBA (National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys) CDCBAA (Central District of California Consumer Bankruptcy Attorney Association), and the OCBF (Orange County Bankruptcy Forum).
There are other law firms that will slap together the documents and shove you through the system in a hasty low cost way. There is a place for that, and if that is what you’re looking for, it is better that you don’t call us because that is not what our firm is about. We are about changing people’s lives and creating a relationship of trust over the long term.
Your attorney has a reputation with the judges, the creditors, the trustees and his or her colleagues that precedes him or her in every dealing. So does the firm as a whole. When you are hiring an attorney you are also hiring that attorney’s reputation built over years. You are also participating in that reputation for integrity, efficiency and effectiveness. You both benefit from that reputation and have a responsibility for maintaining that trust.
If you are over your head in debt, then let LeverLaw craft a personalized debt solution for you.