LeverLaw is a full service bankruptcy firm that provides legal services to consumers and small businesses. Our essence and focus is on “service.” We realize that our clients could avail themselves of numerous other service providers so we strive to distinguish ourselves with first class service that makes the difficult process of filing bankruptcy as simple, rewarding and cathartic as possible. We realize this is a time of considerable stress in our clients lives and so we attempt to create an oasis of tranquility by calmly and competently assembling your case and being a buffer between you and your creditors.
The client/attorney selection process is a mutual one. Steven Lever is not the right attorney for everyone and not all clients are suited for the work style of this office. The firm’s reputation for integrity and quality work product is important to maintain for the benefit of all clients in the long run.
We believe that accuracy and completeness are necessary when presenting your case, and that the documents presented should advocate your case rather than merely present it. It requires a mutual commitment of client and attorney to achieve this level of quality. We also plan as intensively as necessary to get an optimal result, with not just legal planning, but also financial planning. This requires a high degree of attorney/client cooperation. However, we do not make any more requests of you than necessary in the spirit of being of service.
The real difference of LeverLaw philosophy is to see the bankruptcy for what it is: A temporary crisis. While we need to focus on solving that crisis, your vision should not be on only the crisis, but also on the horizon. Your fresh start is on that horizon, and you should be positioning yourself to take advantage of that fresh start even before the crisis is resolved (and it will be resolved). Resolving the crisis is relatively easy compared to taking advantage of your fresh start. You may need to make major psychological and real world adjustments, and change is hard. If you don’t take advantage of this crisis to make those changes, you’ve wasted a crisis, which is usually the best catalyst for change. At LeverLaw we don’t like to waste a crisis, because our real mission is to change our client’s lives.