Credit counseling before you file is not the only thing you have to do online. There is a second requirement between filing and receiving your discharge called a “Debtor Education Course” or sometimes a “Financial Management Course.”
This course costs $25 for an individual or couple to take online with our firm. We are now using Summit Financial. We incorporate this into our cost structure and order this course for you and do all the follow up with the bankruptcy court to make sure it knows you’ve completed this course and it can issue the discharge order.
You can use any course you want, but I’ve reviewed several and the Summit Financial course is best. Most of my clients inform me they enjoyed this course.
I spent two years during the evenings and weekends going to UC Irvine to study financial planning. If I were to design a course that covers the basics of financial planning most people should know from that experience, I could do no better (and probably not as well) than the Summit Financial course. I think everyone should watch this regardless of whether they’ve had to file bankruptcy or not.