LeverLaw technology has evolved rapidly over the years as technology itself evolves constantly. 2003 is when we first went paperless, scanning both current documents and archives. We created a software architecture of multiple programs that interfaced with each other to create a super database across the entire functionality of the firm. As importantly, we implemented these computer systems into a carefully orchestrated workflow on which all staff was intensively trained. Now, we have a hybrid system that takes advantage of our own computing power in our server and workstations, and have integrated that with cloud-based systems for certain functions that improve and enhance our processes.
We have created systems that make integrating with the Bankruptcy Court and PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) as seamless as possible. This helps create a networked effect where the digitization of the Bankruptcy Court and PACER coordinates with our digitization. This results in near instantaneous document integration for both document submission and retrieval. The implications are simply amazing. What this means for you as a client (or even a potential client) is that timeframes for analyzing and implementing your case are condensed into a fraction of the time that was necessary even a short time ago. We keep the loop of information through documents seamless across all platforms and integrate you into it through our platform.
We also have internet appointments that allow us to review and interact on documents over the internet while we video or audio conference. These virtual appointments are just as good as live appointments at our office. We have had hundreds of them and so know how to use these tools effectively. Often we can minimize your drive time to only one real visit to our offices. This saves hours of time, some expense and lowers our carbon footprint.
We use email, texts, Dropbox and other tools to reduce the friction in our information processing project. That’s what much of bankruptcy is—an information sharing project. We have every single document in our file a few clicks away that we can send you via email at your request. We keep your file complete in Worldox Document Management System in our paperless files. Your information is kept secure on our server which is backed up nightly with state of the art encryption.
Technology never ceases to improve and we don’t hesitate to use the technology that actually improves our processes and the client experience. However, we do not use technology for its “wow” factor or because we’re gizmo-centric. We use it to make the information processing aspects of our case as frictionless as possible so we can concentrate on the real work to be done, which is changing human relationships: Your relationship with your creditors and your relationship with money.
Ultimately, these are all tools in our central mission, not ends in themselves. Technology frees us to do the lawyering and financial planning that is really at the crux of this project. LeverLaw is about lawyering and financial planning. Technology is just a tool.