When we get to the point that we cannot pay our debts, it usually happens during what appears at first to be a mere cash flow crisis. We figure things will get better soon and our creditors assume the same. So a telephone dance between you and your creditors ensues, in which various adjustments are made and payments are promised and a kind of new “relationship” with your creditors becomes a part of your life. The creditors probably call you more than your kids or parents or friends.
Only after this has gone on for a while does the pattern get recognized and the new relationship starts getting old. Tensions erupt. It starts getting unpleasant and more and more creditor representatives start getting aggressive and intimidating. It pummels your self-esteem and you don’t know why you cannot control this situation. You figure, “I took on these debts, I should be able to pay them.” So you stay in this pattern as long as you can.
Then something, someday, either snaps, or it goes on long enough that you get exhausted. Either way, you figure it’s time to stand back and take a look at the bigger picture.
That’s usually where I come in to your financial life. I look at the big picture, getting actual documents from you that look at your income to expenses, assets to liabilities, and your overall financial affairs. I diagnose whether you may be insolvent.
If you are insolvent, and you decide to hire us, then your dance with creditors ends right then and there. We give you a script you can read to your creditors, and once they are informed we represent you they cannot call you under the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, or the Rosenthal Act which is a similar law in California. We teach you how to use this script and get the peace you are legally entitled to have.