No matter how lost you may feel or confused about your options, just sitting back and worrying about it is the worst thing you can do. If your creditors have the upper hand to the point where they are interfering with your basic financial functions, then you need expert guidance as soon as possible.
We offer free consultations so you can learn your rights and get some good advice without any risk on your part. When we answer your call, we know how hard it was for you to make that call. We listen compassionately with a true desire to be helpful. We can bring competence and confidence to a situation you thought was out of control. Yet we also know how uncomfortable you can be to even discuss the bankruptcy options, so we’re patient and never apply pressure to your ultimate decision.
We’re here to be counselors you can trust, regardless of whether you become a client or not. We consider our position in the community is to give impartial advice that is as accurate as it is tailored for your unique situation and goals. We always put your interests first, even if your only contact is for a free consultation.
The most important part of starting to improve your financial life is inside you. It takes a little courage to even step on the path to financial recovery. The turtle cannot move forward without coming out of its shell. If you’re in financial distress, that first step is to call us and let us know what’s going on.
And by the way…that’s the only reason we’re here.